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I’m a filmmaker who has been in love with film my entire left. Having not so much of a fantastic start in life health wise, I fell significantly behind in my education. This was due to me thinking that the fact I couldn’t really hear very well was normal and everyone around me not really noticing that I had a problem with my hearing. By the time I was in my teens my hearing was resolved, but I was told I was way too far behind to catch up. Unfortunately, I didn’t catch up fully when my GCSE’s came around, however I achieved relatively bad grades, not terribly bad grades.

I then went on to study ‘Media Production (Film and TV) at West Nottinghamshire College, achieving distinctions and above. This opened an opportunity to go to university, that I never believed possible for me, and for the next three years I studied film production at the university of central Lancashire, gaining a result of a first class (Hons) degree.

Studying how films are produced has given me an insight into all aspects of film, from the design process, production and post production.


Throughout the months since I graduated from university I have been working on more of an advertising basis, creating short adverts for small local companies.

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